External Grants

  • Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, Amount: $17.9M, (Co-PI: Michail Maniatakos. Lead PI: Sunil Kumar), Title: ‘VRI on Sustainability (Energy) 1/22–12/26
  • NSF SaTC Medium Grant – An Incident Response Approach for Empowering Fact Checkers – $1,200,00. In collaboration with Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Utah.
  • NSF, SaTC: CORE: Medium: Secure and Trustworthy Cyberphysical Microfluidic Systems. Amount: $542,000 PI: Ramesh Karri 05/01/2021-04/30/2024. 
  • DARPA, Amount: $815,000 (PI: Michail Maniatakos. Co-PI: Brandon Reagan), Title: “TREBUCHET: Data Protection in Virtual Environments”, 01/21–07/24
  • National Science Foundation, Amount: $542,000, Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Secure and Trustworthy Cyberphysical Microfluidic Systems, PI: Ramesh Karri. 05/21–04/24


  • DARPA, Amount: $810,000 (PI: Ozgur Sinanoglu. Title: “AISS Logic Locking”, 06/20–03/23
  • Army Research Office (ARO), Amount: $17,666 (PI: Michail Maniatakos. Co-PI: Ramesh Karri), Title: ‘Embedded security challenge: An education initiative focusing on cybersecurity, 06/20–06/21
  • Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge Award for Research Excellence 2019, Amount: AED 999,958, Title: “Cross-layer Approaches for 5G Security”, PI: C. Pöpper, 01/20 – 12/22


Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, Amount: $184,834,(PI: M. Maniatakos, Co-PI: A. AlDurra, Khalifa University), Title: ‘Cyber-Security Testbed for Smart-City Power Grid’, 1/19–12/20
DARPA grant (OMG phase II). NYU PI: O. Sinanoglu, collaborative with Texas A&M and UT Dallas

  • Intel Corporation, Amount: $295,000, Title: Provably Secure Scan Locking for Obfuscation of Test and Configuration Data”, PI: Ozgur Sinanoglu 9/18-8/21
  • Armasuisse (Swiss Confederation), Amount: $80,642, Title: “Building Secure Systems for Aviation, Navigation, and Networked Infrastructures”, PI: Christina Pöpper, 11/18-8/19
  • US Office of Naval Research (ONR), Amount: $35,610 PI: Michail Maniatakos, Title: “Covert data exfiltration from Internet-of-Things devices” 9/18–8/19
  • National Science Foundation, Amount: $240,000, PI: Ramesh Karri, Title: Secure and Trustworthy Cyber Physical Microfluidic Systems. 08/18–07/20
  • Dubai Electronic Security Center, Amount: $80K, PI: Hoda Alkhzaimi, Title: Building an Evaluation Platform for Post Quantum Primitives
    National Funds and Dubai Electronic Cyber Security Center, Amount: $95K, PI: Hoda Alkhzaimi Title: “Building National Cyber and Cryptographic Capacity”.
  • National Funds, Amount: $408K, PI: Hoda Alkhzaimi, Title: “Constructing Efficient and Secure Cryptographic Primitives”
  • ADEK Award for Research Excellence 2017, UAE Department of Education and Knowledge, Amount: AED 299,954, PI Christina Popper, Co-PI Hoda AlKhzaimi, Title: A Trust and Observation System for Communication Security in Aviation
  • DARPA seedling grant, Amount: $600,000, Farinaz Koushanfar (PI from UCSD), Yiorgos Markis (PI from UT Dallas), Jeyavijayan Rajendran (PI from Texas A&M), and Ozgur Sinanoglu (PI from NYU), Title: ECLIPSE: Efficient Cross-Layered IP Protection SchemE, 10/17-03/19